Sukhi Samra is the Executive Director of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI). In this role, she has led the expansion of a national network that in less than two years grew from 11 members to 63, launched 24 guaranteed income pilots, and raised more than $30M. She also developed a pilot technical assistance infrastructure, which includes a multi-site research and evaluation partnership, and administered a $15M grant program to support emerging pilots. Previously, she was the Director of the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED), the nation’s first mayor-led guaranteed income demonstration. As SEED’s director, Sukhi led the design and implementation of the program, including developing a recipient recruitment, notification, and onboarding process and developing a multi-pronged public benefits preservation strategy that is now being adopted by pilots nationwide. Sukhi graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and is originally from Fresno, CA.