Dr Franklyn M Malone, Ph.D., LSWA, CACII, LEM, CMFT
Franklyn Malone is married to Rhonda Malone and a Father of 3 daughters and one son. He is an
author, Motivational Speaker, Radio Host, a licensed Eucharistic Minister of the Episcopal Diocese of
Washington, Fatherhood Master Trainer and highly respected D.C. Award-Winning Hall of Fame 2020
Community Leader and a sought-after Expert Fatherhood Consultant and leader.
The Founding Commissioner of the D. C. Commission for Fathers Men and Boys in Washington D.C. and
in Prince Georges County, Md. He is the CEO & founder of The 100 Fathers Inc the Ordinary Men Doing
Extraordinary Things. (WWW.100fathers.org) Mr. Malone operates a powerful Fatherhood led Rites of
passage program transforming the lives of Young Men of Color in the toughest schools and
neighborhoods in Washington, D.C. and train others to perform this important work. Mr. Malone has
presented Fatherhood Before the United States Congress for the Congressional Black Caucus. He studies
and writes research papers on Black Men and Boys and offers solutions and answers that promote
values, integrity and violence de-escalation for the new 21 st century Father and Man.
A member of Who’s Who in Washington D.C. he is a highly effective Community Leader in the District of
Columbia. He is currently a 2020 inductee into the D.C. Hall of Fame and has been honored with a Day
Named in his Honor. Mr. Malone is also the only former Elected Advisory Commissioner to have served
and been elected Chairman in two separate wards of the City. He was also granted a special Waiver by
the Alexandria, Va City Council and served as the First Black Man to Chair the Alexandria Commission on
Employment even though he was not a resident of Alexandria. While serving the Youth and citizens in
Alexandria, Va. the City was honored as one of The United States Top 100 Cities for Youth.
Mr. Malone is the founder of the Mayor’s Commission for Fathers, Men and Boys (a blue print for other
cities) where he currently serves. Mr. Malone also serves on the National Leadership Council of the
International Global Made Man. He is credited with sharing the” My Brother’s Keeper concept “with
President Barack Obama and serves on the Political Action Committee of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
Inc which has pledged to register 1 million Men to vote in 2020.
- Dr. Malone was the 2020 National Co-Chair of the National Black Men for Biden Harris and
Cofounder of The Million Man Vote. A member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity National
Fatherhood Committee and former Citizen of the Year for Omega Psi Phi. - Dr Malones name resides on a Bronze Star at the DC Walk of Fame for the 2020 Hall of Fame
Society - Dr Malone is the 2023 Maryland General Assembly Citation Holder as a Living Legend
- He holds the 2022 Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award from President Biden
- Dr Malone holds numerous DC City Council Resolutions and has a day Named in his honor
- Mr. Malone is a local Minister with a National Profile as” the Voice of the DC Chapter of the National
Action Network Prayer Uplift Line” every Saturday at 12 Noon Est. Minister Malone is former National
Vice President of the Brotherhood of St Andrew Inc Men’s Ministry and is a Legion of Honor for that
international Men’s Ministry the largest of its type of the Anglican Communion
Dr Malone holds numerous certifications and received his Doctorate of Humane Letters in 2023 from
Godsu Oved Dei Seminary and University where he is Assistant Dean for Fatherhood Initiatives
“As leaders of Faith we must learn to use the power of the wind, water, rain and storm that capsized the
boat…………To bring us back safely to shore”