Dr. Edwin C. Chapman has practiced in Washington, DC for over 47 years specializing in Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine. Over the past 21 years, he has investigated the complex mix of addiction, undertreated mental illness, infectious diseases (AIDS & Hepatitis C), criminal behavior, and chronic diseases in which patients have 20-25 year shorter life expectancies. Dr. Chapman received his B.S. in 1969 and M.D. in 1973 from Howard University College of Medicine. He completed his internship and residency in internal medicine as well as a fellowship in cardiology from historic Freedmen’s and Howard University Hospitals. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM, 1979), the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM grandfathered to ABAM, 2009), a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, and a member of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. He maintains active memberships in the National Medical Association (NMA), Medico Chirurgical Society of Washington, DC (MED CHI of DC), the American Medical Association (AMA), the Medical Society of the District of Columbia (MSDC) as well as associate membership in the Black Psychiatrists of America.
Dr. Chapman is a founding member and secretary of the board of directors of the Leadership Council for Healthy Communities (an inter-faith 501(c)3 organization with 30+ Metro DC institutions) where he is bringing integrated medical care into underserved communities and faith institutions (ACA’s “Accountable Health Community”) using both onsite care and virtual care thru tele-video consultation for social work, nutritional consulting, pharmaceutical reconciliation, as well as psychiatry and primary care. Using this urban, collaborative care virtual office telemedicine design, he is addressing the needs of opioid-addicted index patients and their entire families recognizing the impact of addiction as a “social determinant of health” and a factor leading to “toxic stress” in both family and community-wide settings. In 2008, Dr. Chapman was featured in the National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Month DVD entitled “Medication-Assisted Therapies: Providing a Whole-Patient Approach to Treatment” sponsored and produced by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). He was appointed in January 2019 to the National Academy of Science Engineering and Medicine committee “Examination of the Integration of Opioid and Infectious Diseases Prevention Efforts in Select Programs” and currently collaborates on research protocols with the Howard University School of Pharmacy and College of Medicine.
Dr. Chapman is a widely sought speaker on the impact of historical oppression and anxiety/depression reactive addiction on the African American community and has been featured in The Washington Post, Addiction Professional Magazine, HIT Consultant.com, NPR, EBONY MAGAZINE, Washington WUSA 9, Behavioral Healthcare Magazine, PBS News Hour, The HILL, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and international Spanish TV. He was recognized by the National Medical Association as their 2016 “Practitioner of the Year,” Prince George’s County Links, Inc 40th Anniversary 1st awardee for “Excellence in Health and Human Services,” and the Black Mental Health Alliance for Education and Counseling “2019 Phoenix Arising Behavioral Health Provider of the Year Award.”
1647 Benning Road, NE Suite 200
Washington, DC 20002
phone 202 396-8550; fax 202 388-4461
email echap1647@aol.com