Welcome to our November 2021 edition of the Henry Watts Real Estate and Lifestyle Magazine.
We are excited to read Larry B. Seabrook’s fourth part to his series about “Why reparations are due to people of African descent”. This month, he introduces us to a law passed in 1896 that relegated African Americans as second-class citizens, hence stunting their growth and development in all areas of life. However, it is with great joy that we announce that Larry B. Seabrook will write a fifth article, a bonus, discussing suggestions regarding how to pay for reparations to people of African descent.
Similarly, Mark Salzwedel’s “Subhuman Adversaries the Criminalization of Queerness 1960-1985” depict the injustices faced by the LGBTQ people and why they were perceived as second-class citizens. Mark details how the laws were written to perpetuate unfair treatments the LGBTQ people had to endure. This is Mark’s third part of his edifying four-part series discussing the history of the “Hidden history of the LGBTQ people”.
In this edition, we take a hard look at the current state of the real estate market. Do you think Covid-19 created a real estate bubble? This is what we explore in our article titled “Maybe it’s not a bubble”. Moreover, in “How to get a higher appraisal”, we provide actionable steps to increase your chances of selling at a higher price. We also share three ways you can use your equity to purchase your next rental property in the article “How to use your equity to buy a rental property”. These are all great articles that could help you increase your wealth. Do not miss the real estate corner of our magazine which features an exceptional studio apartment available to rent in trendy Bed-Stuy, upcoming housing trends, and inexpensive house remodeling ideas.
Our poetry corner features once more the incredible Cheryl Foster. Her poem, titled “The Pendelum Swings”, will challenge your perspective on love and will spark interesting conversations with your loved ones.
Have you traveled this year? How did it feel traveling during a global pandemic? Were you satisfied with your trip? Did you feel safe? We want to hear your story. Feel free to send us an email detailing your experience. If selected, your article will be featured under our “Travel, Travel, Travel” category in next month’s edition. You can email us at Henrywattsrealestate1@gmail.com.
This month, under “Food, Food, Food”, Seven Restaurant highlights two unique items. The Garlic and Butter Pasta with White Wine served with Salmon, Chicken or Shrimp, along with our delicious new dessert called the Second Climax. To learn more about these items, make sure to read the Food, Food, Food section below.
We celebrate Halloween with a trick or treat for your brain, head over to the end of our magazine for a fun quiz! We hope that you enjoy this October edition of the Henry Watts Real Estate and Lifestyle Magazine, and we wish you a Happy Halloween.