Welcome back to our fifth edition of the Henry Watts Real Estate and Lifestyle Magazine. This month we are honored to welcome Larry B. Seabrook, a former New York City Councilman from District 12 in New York City. This month, he methodically shares the first article of his four-part series about reparations due to people of African descent. Also, we are excited to present an article written by Hank Sheinkopf. Hank Sheinkopf is a political commentator and is also president of Sheinkopf Communications Ltd., a strategic communications firm based in New York. His article is titled “Politics… Democracy… Politics in NYC” Because we believe in exceeding our readership’s expectations, we reached out to additional amazing writers. Articles you’ll find in this magazine include, “Branding, Design and Small Business”, by Anthony Riley; “Most Homeowners in Foreclosure Need a Loan Modification to Save their Homes”, by attorney Carl E. Person; “How Can I Improve my Credit Score?”, by Bonita White; “How Much Income Is Enough To Buy Happiness?”; “Should You Buy Now, Or Save A Higher Down Payment First?”; “Can You Be On The Deed Of A Home, If You’re Not On The Mortgage?”. Lastly, the talented Cheryl Foster graces us with a new poem titled “(Reparations) No Land”. Under Food, Food, Food, Seven Restaurant presents two of their most popular menu items. Indeed, you’ll get an in-depth look at the delicious Wicked Spicy Chicken and Waffle Sandwich, and Seven’s unique Amazing Mess. Seven is a place you want to visit with your loved ones. We are truly appreciative to all the writers that have been involved with this month’s newsletter. Thanks to all our contributors, Henry Watts Real Estate and Lifestyle Magazine continues to grow. Valerie Watts, CPA, Real Estate Broker & Restaurateur Editor of Henry Watts Real Estate and LifeStyle Magazine Always remember “HAPPINESS IS AN INSIDE JOB” and “KINDNESS IS INTENTIONAL. Happiness is an inside job! |