My recipe for love
is a dish so full of taste
It’s made with a touch of a spicy kiss
Not made in haste
You take the kiss and mix it with
Something delicious, like emotion
And then slowly stir it up
Into a whirlpool of an ocean
It’s not made inside the oven
Or on top of the stove
But it has to simmer then boil
To let both chefs know
That the cooking time is over
Love’s recipe is ready to be served
It’s a dish that takes time to digest
And some still has to be preserved
For to eat it all at once
One might get a bellyache
So if you want to be greedy
That’s the chance you have to take
Keep the kitchen clean
So you’ll have no dirty dishes
Top the dish with a candle
Keep it warm and make some wishes
By Cheryl Foster
From my book, “Not For Women Only! My Life in Poem”
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