(Reparations) NO LAND
No more land
Where will you stand?
Will it be the street
The new homeless suite?
Or families in new homeless jails
It is much too late to wail
There surely is no time to cry
The time is now, it’s live or die
In New York, the towers were built
Across the world, the masses were milked
Trading paper to oppress
Always knowing its worthlessness
Built on faith, and unprincipled
Licensed to steal, always has and will
With corporations now racing to see
Who’ll file the largest bankruptcy
Capitalism may soon be dead
Globalization has now raised its head
Globalization, the bigger twin
Both evil systems cannot win
For these new inhuman towers
Possessing such pernicious powers
In two fell swoops came tumbling down
Creating havoc all around
It’s over now, the veil has dropped
In one fell swoop, like Enron stock
Can’t you see, open your eyes
The time is now, it’s live or die
Creating poverty, hunger, disease and desperation
Seeds planted by our sick insidious nation
Patented to recolonize the entire planet
And too arrogant to see that the world just ain’t havin’ it
As long as this evil reigns supreme
And we deny ourselves our dream
Our RIGHT to self-determination
No land, We die… No reparations
The future is ours, the dust has cleared
It’s time to act, the time has neared
Right now the world must take a stand
People of conscience, reclaim your land!
Reparations (No Land) is a poem from my book of poetry, “Not For Women Only” My Life in Poem by Cheryl Foster.
This poem was inspired by 9/11
Available on Amazon thru my website 4thdimensionpublishing.com
©4th Dimension Enterprises, Inc.