Despite its name, Hi-tea actually originated with the lower classes. Dinner was served midday in the 1800s, but in practice, working stiffs didn’t have the luxury of an afternoon lunch break, so they took tea right after work with heartier fare like pies, meats and cheeses – to satisfy their hunger. The name Hi-tea probably evolved from the fact that this evening meal was served at proper dinner tables or kitchen counters, rather than on couches or settees. Using the term “High Tea” when you really mean “Afternoon Tea” is a dead giveaway you’re American. Hi tea with Brooklyn swag was created for tea lovers to experience delicious tea and scrumptious scones served with clotted cream, homemade strawberry jam, exquisite hearty sandwiches and delectable miniatures desserts (Learn more below). We also serve spiked (with alcohol) teas, various cocktails, coffees and more in a beautiful environment.