Press play to listen to Reverend Graylan Scott Hagler’s Bio
Reverend Graylan Scott Hagler is the Pastor Emeritus of Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington, DC. He stepped down as Senior Minister of Plymouth in September 2022 after having served as Senior Minister since 1992 – for 30 years.
Rev. Hagler currently serves as Senior Advisor to Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA, the oldest interfaith peace and justice organization in the United States which was started in 1915. He is also the Community Affairs Representative for CORE DC, a company opening a residential facilities for returning citizens, and operates homeless family shelters.
Rev. Hagler is also Director and Chief Visionary of Faith Strategies, LLC, a consulting company he started in 2015 to connect clergy with social justice/political movements, and social justice/political movements with the faith community. Rev. Hagler co-led a delegation of cultural artists to Palestine in 2014. He also led a group of Black clergy in 2016 to Palestine to witness the impact and effects of Israeli apartheid on Palestinians. Rev. Hagler has written and published numerous articles on faith, Palestinian Rights, against Christian Nationalism, and against Christian Zionism. Reverend Hagler is a native of Baltimore, Maryland where he attended public schools. He was also educated at Hampton Institute (University), Oberlin College, and The Chicago Theological Seminary.