Welcome back to our sixth edition of the Henry Watts Real Estate and Lifestyle Magazine.
We are happy to welcome back Larry B. Seabrook, a former New York City Councilman from District 12 in New York City. This month, he shares the second part of his four-part series about “Why reparations are due to people of African descent?”. Also, we are excited to introduce a talented writer, Mark Salzwedel. Mark Salzwedel will educate us on “The hidden history of the LGBTQ people”, and he will do so in four parts. The numerous details in Mark’s first installment make it a very interesting and informative read.
Other articles you’ll find in this magazine include, “Why it’s hard to create a new “blue zone”” (blue zones are geographical areas where people regularly live into their 100’s), “How to use a mortgage to compete with cash”, and lastly, “Where are we now in the real estate cycle?”. For this sixth edition, we discussed topics such as “The best way to invest in real estate”, “What is an estate plan?”, and “Why should you hire a buyer’s agent?”
Have you traveled this year? How did it feel traveling during a global pandemic? Were you satisfied with your trip? Did you feel safe? We want to hear your story. Feel free to send us an email detailing your experience. We may feature your feedback under our new “Travel, Travel, Travel” category in next month’s installment of the magazine.
Since we love food, we prepared something special for you this month. Under Food, Food, Food, Seven Restaurant presents the newest addition to their already exciting menu, Crepes! Staff at Seven will discuss why they’re adding crepes to the menu and what makes their crepes different.
We are thankful for your continued support. Our guest writers and readership give us the strength to strive for more excellence. Thanks to all our contributors, Henry Watts Real Estate and Lifestyle Magazine continues to grow.
If you have not done so already, please use the link below to subscribe to our free monthly Henry Watts Real Estate and Lifestyle Magazine.
Happiness is an inside job!
Kindness is intentional!
Valerie Watts, Magazine Editor/ Publisher, CPA, Real Estate Broker, Certified Real Estate Probate Specialist, Former Restauranteur