If you’re an empty-nester, or about to be one, you might be asking yourself if and when it’s time to sell your family home. Most people don’t sell the instant the kids fly away. Usually there’s an adjustment period. The kids might come back and forth for awhile. The community is familiar. There’s so much to pack. Yet at some point (for many, but not everyone), the scales tip and it becomes time to move on.
What causes those scales to tip? The usual factors are the cost or hassle of maintenance, taxes, a desire for more freedom, and grabbing a bigger nest egg while the equity is high. Typically, this means moving to a smaller, less expensive, and lower-maintenance option, sometimes in a different city, or even country. Each family works through this decision in their own way and has their own needs. If you’re mulling over the decision, call me for a consultation about your real estate situation and goals. ~Valerie (718) 399-3320