Welcome to our 20th edition. Thank you for your readership.
VOTE! Is it a right, privilege or obligation? According to a study conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates in 2006, many believe it’s a responsibility or a privilege. Many countries thought the world do not enjoy the freedom to vote. Don’t squander your vote.
As editor/publisher of this magazine, I view voting as an obligation for every eligible voter. Please vote on November 8, 2022.
Help Save Our Restaurant. Please sign the petition. It will take two minutes. That’s it and your signature will help establish a hearing to examine issues that restaurant owners experience in New York City.
Get On It! The meaning is to proceed with a given action, intention, or pursuit, especially after a delay, distraction, or pause of some kind. It’s time to “Get On It’ to learn and understand the impact of Cryptocurrency, Web3 (the new internet) and the Blockchain.
Web3 along with Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology will offer a more personalized browsing experience. Each user will be able to take control of their own data. This will enhance the overall experience to create a variety of innovations. Your future is here – embrace it.
In this edition, there are three articles about future technology. They are Crypotocurrency 101: A Beginner’s Guide to all Things Cryptocurrency, What is Web 3 (Part 1)? and Web 3 Will Run on Cryptocurrency (Part 2). All three are worth your time to read and take notes.
We reprinted Professor Charlotte Bishop’s article called Organization, Our New Normal. We are approaching the end of the year. Get organized, your tax accountant will appreciate you.
Our article entitled Retirement – Next Exit- Do You Have a Retirement Backup Plan. It’s all about making intelligent assumptions about your future.
There are other interesting articles including “Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Before You Retire?”
Valerie Watts, Magazine Editor/ Publisher, CPA, Real Estate Broker, Certified Real Estate Probate Specialist, Former Restauranteur